nurture by nature @ the Caribou community garden
All for gardening and gardening for all...
At the Caribou Community Garden, N x N has collaborated with the city of Caribou and Age Friendly Caribou to create an inclusive gardening space where all are welcomed to share time in the gardens. The garden currently consists of in-ground and raised beds with vegetables, herbs and flowers as well as three wheelchair accessible raised beds with flowers and vegetables. Further plans include creating a perennial garden along with a children's wildflower garden to explore, a walking path, a gathering area and continued community events at the gardens. This aims to be an accessible place for all community members to enjoy, and all are welcome!
For as long as humankind has existed, the beneficial relationship between plants and people has been recognized. Not only do gardens and plants nourish and sustain physical life, but there are numerous benefits beyond the physical when it comes to our interactions with plants and nature. N x N brings unique opportunities for therapeutic horticulture to the community—enhancing overall physical, emotional, social, and cognitive wellbeing through participating in gardening and plant related activities. For more information on therapeutic horticulture, visit the American Horticultural Therapy Association (
For as long as humankind has existed, the beneficial relationship between plants and people has been recognized. Not only do gardens and plants nourish and sustain physical life, but there are numerous benefits beyond the physical when it comes to our interactions with plants and nature. N x N brings unique opportunities for therapeutic horticulture to the community—enhancing overall physical, emotional, social, and cognitive wellbeing through participating in gardening and plant related activities. For more information on therapeutic horticulture, visit the American Horticultural Therapy Association (